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Jesus and Satan Computer Showdown

Jesus and Satan were arguing about who got the most out of his computer. Finally God became tired of all of the bickering.

"We'll decide this in a 2-hour competition," God thundered. "I will set up a test and judge who does the better job."

So Jesus and Satan did spreadsheets, wrote reports, sent faxes and e-mails, downloaded music, designed graphic images, created greeting cards, and much more. In fact, they did everything one could do on a computer. Then, just a few minutes before the test ended, a bright show of lightning flashed across the sky. A moment later thunder rolled, rain began to pour from the sky, and. of course, the electricity blinked off.

Satan was furious. He fumed, fussed, ranted, and raved, all to no avail. When electricity came back on, Satan screamed, "I had it done, but I lost my work all when the power went off! How can you judge that?"

Jesus smiled.

Sensing he'd been had, Satan asked Jesus about the work he had done. Instead of replying, Jesus turned his computer back on and pulled up his assignments. It was all there.

"How did he do it?" Satan demanded angrily.

God smiled and said, "Jesus Saves."